May 1 – June 5, 2014
Thursdays at 5:30PM
Glendale Light and Light Church
6331 W Lamar Road
Glendale, AZ 85301
Sign your family up today!
To register, call 480.222.8800
PRIME TIME FAMILY READING TIME® is a six-week program of reading, discussion and storytelling held in public libraries. The program features award-winning children’s books to stimulate discussion about humanities themes and problems encountered in everyday life. Each 90-minute session includes the reading of up to three books by a storyteller followed by facilitated discussion with a humanities scholar.
Programs can be presented in English or as a bilingual Spanish/English program. Each PRIME TIME series typically serves 15 to 20 families comprised of parents and children ages 6 – 12.
The goals of the Prime Time program are to:
- bond families around the act of reading and learning together
- reinforce the role of the family
- encourage parents and children to read and discuss humanities topics
- help parents and children become active library users
- highlight the important role of the library in local communities and daily home life
Each PRIME TIME session includes time to introduce families to additional library resources including homework aids, GED materials, books on parenting and health care, computer/internet resources, and local and international newspapers and magazines. The program is also designed to include separate activities for pre-school children who are attending with older siblings.