While doing research on our centennial book, Lisa Schnebly Heidinger developed a treasure trove of anecdotes that wove through the tapestry Arizona, and can custom fit a presentation to any audience, based on geography, interest and local population. These include but are not limited to little heard details about famous figures (like when the Bucky O’Neill statue was lost and Clark Gable’s adventure in Northern Arizona) and poignant stories of characters we haven’t all met yet, such as John D. Lees wife Emma, who gave birth twice by herself while her husband was hiding form the law.
As a native of the state (although in speeches she often says that Sedona Schnebly came from Missouri, so true Arizonans can be born anywhere), Lisa Schnebly Heidinger’s deepest passion lies in sharing stories of our amazing state and helping others find their favorite Arizona. Beginning as a cub reporter for the Green Valley News, she feels her best ministry lies in taking in other people’s stories and sharing them with wider audiences. When Heidinger’s state centennial book was voted OneBookAZ, she went on a statewide tour that included a seven-person audience in Concho and more than 100 in Fountain Hills. In all, she loves sharing Arizona stories.