Arizona’s music history is rich and diverse…from musicians to singers to song writers, and more. The music of Arizona has made its way to ears across the globe; influencing other musicians, affecting society, and entertaining so many. Included will be stories of music by: indigenous people; the first recorded woman singing country and western; the guitar that was heard round the world; and, a performer that may have kicked off the sexual revolution.
This program is cohosted by The Museum of Casa Grande. This is an in-person event.
An Emmy nomination for sharing Arizona history is the latest acknowledgment for Marshall Shore, Arizona’s Hip Historian. His passion, which is uncovering the weird, the wonderful, and the obscure treasures from our past: the semi-forgotten people, places, and events that have made us who we are today. Shore uses storytelling magic, found film footage, old photographs, ephemera, and artifacts to bring our state’s heritage to life in entertaining and educational presentations. He has developed an almost cult-like following for sharing history through in-person and virtual events.