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Join Arizona Humanities & la Phoenikera Writers’ Guild for a presentation and discussion with Dr. Ann Aviles de Bradley on the history of The McKinney-Vento Act and its effect on homeless students. Students experiencing housing instability face overwhelming obstacles that limit their access to education and their prospects for success in life. The McKinney-Vento Act was created to ensure schools provide services that support students in unstable housing situations; unfortunately, effective implementation of important provisions continues to be elusive. Further, adults charged with McKinney-Vento implementation in schools voice frustration with overload and lack of support or consistent resources. Through interviews with youth experiencing homelessness, Aviles de Bradley highlights their remarkable resilience under fire and their determination to thrive despite the systemic inequities they encounter daily. She will also underscore important connections between homelessness and racism using a Critical Race Theory framework. Audience members are challenged to see McKinney-Vento implementation not as charity, but as an issue of racial and class equity. Click here to read more about Dr. Ann Aviles de Bradley’s upcoming book.
Ann Aviles de Bradley is an Assistant Professor in the department of Educational Inquiry and Curriculum Studies at Northeastern Illinois University teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in the Educational Foundations program. She works with various community based organizations across the Chicagoland area to address educational inequities, specifically those concerning race, class and homelessness. Dr. Aviles de Bradley is the author of an upcoming book from Teachers College Press, entitled From Charity to Equity: Race, Homelessness and Urban Schools.