The Arizona Jewish Historical Society (AZJHS) presents Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World), an exhibition of acclaimed artist, Beth Ames Swartz. Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World) features works from several seminal series that span over 50 years, many from the artists own collection and selected by guest curator, Robert Pela. Each series underscores the philosophical, human and environmental concerns of the artist rather then a specific visual style. This exhibition will be displayed in the newly renovated Cutler-Plotkin Jewish Heritage Center, a historic former synagogue and church that now serves the community as a museum, cultural center, and event venue.
Friday January 20th
Artists and Art Professionals Symposium
Can Artists and Their Art Practices Affect Social Change?
Film Screening and Community Discussion
Presentations by: Clair Carter, Curator of Contemporary Art at SMoCA
Robert Pela: Local Curator, Curator of Tikkun Olam Exhibition
Deborah Sussman: Writer
Limited to 200: RSVP required
More information and details for all programs at: