The foods of Arizona speak to the many cultures, native and newcomer, that make up our state. Consider the taco, that favorite treat, a staple of Mexican and Mexican American cooking and an old standby on an Arizonan’s plate. The corn in the tortilla comes from Mexico, the cheese from the Sahara, the lettuce from Egypt, the onion from Syria, the tomatoes from South America, the chicken from Indochina, the beef from the steppes of Eurasia. Join Gregory McNamee, the author of Moveable Feasts: The History, Science, and Lore of Food, in exploring these many traditions.
This event is cohosted by Phoenix Public Library- Desert Broom Branch. This is an in-person event.
Gregory McNamee is a writer, editor, photographer, and publisher. He is the author of forty-five books and of more than 7,000 articles and other publications. He is a contributing editor to the Encyclopædia Britannica and a research fellow at the Southwest Center of the University of Arizona. For more about him, visit his web page at