Join Goodwin in a conversation about sustainability issues facing Arizona. Topics can include the coal-burning Navajo Generating Station, the Colorado River dams, uranium mining around the Grand Canyon, wind turbines, water conservation and catchment, the costs of water and electricity, preservation of natural landscapes, and others. The presentation can be focused on one or more issues. Background information about these topics will be provided, but the presentations will focus on what personal, moral, legal, or policy issues are involved. The goal is to think clearly about what responsibilities and expectations we have concerning the resources that are available.
Matthew Goodwin holds a Ph.D. in philosophy and teaches in that discipline at Northern Arizona University. His current research interests lie in aesthetics, environmental ethics, and how these areas overlap in and around the Grand Canyon region. For NAU’s Philosophy in the Public Interest Program, Goodwin facilitates community discussions at the Sedona International Film Festival, as well as for Hot Topics Café, a program that brings together the public for civil and informed discussion of various topics of community concern.