The U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps, an innovation for its time, addressed a healthcare crisis during World War II and improved nurse education across the United States. A number of Cadet Nurses have been interviewed and their oral histories contributed to various digital repositories, including the Library of Congress Veterans History Project. Participants will view video clips or listen to audio recordings of Cadet Nurse oral histories to learn more about their service and its importance during and after World War II. Participants will also learn about conducting oral history interviews with Cadet Nurses, other World War II women, or military veterans, and preparing interviews for preservation.
Elsie Szecsy is an Academic Professional Emeritus at Arizona State University, where she investigated educational access and excellence in the U.S. Desert Southwest-Northern Mexico region. Now retired, her focus is on research about and with Cadet Nurses. Among her publications are The Cadet Nurse Corps in Arizona: A History of Service. She also curates the website.