In a narrative and musical portrait of working-class music, Dr. Craváth explores its roots and rhythms in our state. From Hopi basket songs, the Yavapai acorn gathering songs, to the cotton fields of Chandler and the crooked streets of Jerome, songs were companions to the immigrants who explored and built our state. Through performance and […]
Patriotism has been defined as loyalty to or defense of one’s country. What do political leaders and social activists mean when they use the term “patriot”? What is the difference between patriotism and nationalism? Throughout history people have demonstrated patriotism through military service, government service, protests, marches, sit-ins and more. How is patriotism expressed now? […]
Ananse the Spider, a trickster hero of Ghana, is one of the most important characters of West African and Caribbean folklore. Ananse’s tales are told to not only explain the origins of the Akan people, but used to reinforce the belief system that enriches their society. Not just found in Ghana, these stories are likened […]
The Representation Matters series promotes civic education and encourages program participants to be engaged citizens. But who gets to be a citizen? Millions of immigrants are woven into the fabric of increasingly diverse communities across our country. Although many lack citizenship status, they participate in the economic, political, and social life of our democracy. How should we […]
In the U.S. we protect freedom of speech and expression. This means an individual or a community may articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction. But what happens when the speech reflects hatred or promotes violence? What is an “extremist” belief? Who ascribes to extremist views? Public opinions have […]
“Gang activity. The war on drugs. Tough on crime. They are taking our jobs. They are bad drivers. They are lazy. They are good people.” What images do these phrases and terms conjure in your mind? What does the media suggest with these coded phrases? Suggestive language, or “dog whistle” language, uses specific terms to […]
From Douglas Fairbanks filming in Nogales in 1917 to “How the West Was Won” statewide in 1963, the state of Arizona has always been a photogenic favorite for movie producers. The program looks from “Real to Reel” to see how Hollywood has affected popular views of Western settlement and continues to impact social interactions. The […]