Our Right To Assemble: The History of Protest and Civil Disobedience in the U.S.

AZ, United States

The First Amendment prohibits the government from abridging “the right of the people peaceably to assemble.” This basic freedom ensures the right of people to come together and collectively express, promote, pursue, and defend their collective or shared ideas. When and how have people engaged in protest? Who has engaged in protest? What is civil […]

Nice is Not Enough: Understanding Systemic Oppression

AZ, United States

Current events across the nation are challenging us to take a hard look at how some groups of people are being treated differently from others on a daily basis. Why does this happen? What systems intentionally or implicitly benefit some people at the expense of others? How does systemic oppression impact certain groups at work, […]


Nice is Not Enough: Understanding Systemic Oppression with Rory Gilbert

AZ, United States

Current events across the nation are challenging us to take a hard look at how some groups of people are being treated differently from others on a daily basis. Why does this happen? What systems intentionally or implicitly benefit some people at the expense of others? How does systemic oppression impact certain groups at work, […]


Gender, Race, Class and Election 2020 with Matthew Whitaker

AZ, United States

It has been said that the 2020 Presidential election is a “battle for the soul” of a divided America–a quaking nation whose fault lines include race, class, gender, urban, rural, north, mid-west, south, rich, poor, middle class, young, middle-aged, and senior. How have these divisions influenced recent elections? Does the forthcoming election promise to conform […]


Re-Thinking Masculinity with Rowdy Duncan

AZ, United States

Masculinity is generally defined as “the qualities — habits and traits that society considers to be appropriate for a man.” So then what’s the buzz about “toxic” masculinity? Are all parts of masculinity bad? Are there good parts of masculinity? What are some notions of masculinity that have changed in the past – how did […]


Our Right To Assemble: The History of Protest and Civil Disobedience in the U.S. with Matthew Whitaker

AZ, United States

The First Amendment prohibits the government from abridging “the right of the people peaceably to assemble.” This basic freedom ensures the right of people to come together and collectively express, promote, pursue, and defend their collective or shared ideas. When and how have people engaged in protest? Who has engaged in protest? What is civil […]


All My Relations: Indigenous Thinking in Seven Generations with Rowdy Duncan

AZ, United States

Who do you consider to be people that you are related to? Who is and is not part of your community? Is there a way to widen our perspective of who is part of our community and invested in our success. This workshop will introduce the idea of thinking in seven generations and examine the […]


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