During the night of Christmas Eve in 1944, twenty-five Nazi German prisoners of war escaped from Papago Park POW camp on the outskirts of Phoenix and headed towards Mexico. These men were hardcore Nazis, ex U-boat commanders, and submariners, who had successfully dug a nearly 200-foot underground tunnel that took four months to complete. Many […]
Arizonans are living in a period of energy transition. Cleaner, renewable energy sources are becoming cheaper than traditional fossil fuel energy sources. Although this transition may be better for the environment, its effects on the economies of some Arizona communities can be devastating. The rapid shift from fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural […]
Water is necessary for life, but as supply shrinks, choices must be made about who is given access to water and who isn’t. Communities across Arizona are going dry. This means that some residents may have no choice except to move. How do we decide who gets access to water, and who does not? Should […]
The Arizona-Mexico border is a line of separation and a place of coming together. This paradox shapes the borderland region and its people in fascinating and important ways. In this talk, Dr. Warren offers a historical and geographical overview of the formation of the Arizona- Mexico border and its evolution since the 1800s. The program […]
Why do so many physicists compare the universe to an orchestra? Why did Einstein use his violin playing to enhance his contemplation of the workings of the cosmos? The connection of music to science was illuminated early on when Pythagoras divided a string. Not surprisingly, from astrophysicists to quantum theorists, the common key to unlocking […]