Archaeology’s Deep Time Perspective on Environment and Sustainability with Allen Dart

Suprise City Hall, Council Chambers 16000 N Civic Center Plaza, Surprise, AZ

The deep time perspective that archaeology, geology, and related disciplines provide about natural hazards, environmental change, and societal development is often ignored when societies today make decisions affecting social sustainability and human safety. Studies of ancient peoples and natural events can help modern society deal with problems of environmental and social change, overpopulation, and sustainability. […]


Coded Messages and Songs of the Underground Railroad with Tamika Sanders

Asante Library 16755 W Vereda Solana Dr. Surprise, Surprise, AZ

Communication and secrecy were key to the successful operation of the Underground Railroad. Safety was more important than quickness. Both fugitive slaves and members of the Underground Railroad learned to code and decode hidden messages, and to disguise signs to avoid capture. There were code names for towns on the routes and code numbers for […]


The Vanishing Trade Posts with Christine Glenn and Sandy Sunseri

Suprise City Hall, Council Chambers 16000 N Civic Center Plaza, Surprise, AZ

The stories of trading posts in the Southwest are a unique snapshot of life almost one hundred years ago. In the early 1900’s, trading posts in the Four corners flourished. There were over one hundred trading posts on the plateau, but today only five remain. Why did they vanish? The challenges and unexpected gifts of […]


Indigenous Signs and Symbols: Pee-Posh/Kwatsan with Yolanda Hart Stevens

Suprise City Hall, Council Chambers 16000 N Civic Center Plaza, Surprise, AZ

Native Americans in the U.S. are diverse, and their contributions have enriched our lives in countless ways. People do not always realize the origins of Native contributions to the language, culture, and traditions of the U.S. What are Native signs and symbols? What do they mean? Where do they appear? They can represent animals and […]


Dr. Pearl Tang: Path Breaker in Public Health with Mary Melcher

Suprise City Hall, Council Chambers 16000 N Civic Center Plaza, Surprise, AZ

In 1960, Dr. Pearl Mao Tang became chief of the Maricopa County Bureau of Maternal and Child Health. A Chinese American, who had fought to obtain a medical license in Arizona, Tang was instrumental in lowering the infant mortality rate in the state’s most populous county. Working in the Phoenix metropolitan area and rural Maricopa […]


Multilingual Baseball: Language and Identity across Borders with Brendan H. O’Connor

Surprise Regional Library 16089 N Bullard Ave, Surprise, AZ

Transnational baseball is a microcosm of globalizing societies around the world, inviting audiences to consider what we can learn from the bilingual understandings and misunderstandings that arise in everyday interactions. This presentation shares the voices of players, coaches, front office personnel, international scouts, language teachers, and interpreters, with experience in the Dominican Republic, Cuba, South […]


Take A Hike! Explore, Enhance, and Experience Your Understanding of Arizona with Rodo Sofranac

Suprise City Hall, Council Chambers 16000 N Civic Center Plaza, Surprise, AZ

There are only eleven designated national scenic trails in the United States. Our Grand Canyon State has one of them—the Arizona National Scenic Trail! In this discussion, participants will have opportunities to: explore the history of the creation of Arizona’s greatest volunteer project; enhance their knowledge of Arizona’s diverse geography, animals, plants, and especially people—from […]


“Beyond the Kitsch: The Pervasive Spirit of our Indigenous Creative Community ” with Nanibaa Beck

City of Surprise City Hall - City Council Chambers 16000 N Civic Center Plaza, Surprise, AZ, United States

PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION Throughout the Southwest, tourists and locals encounter a range of Indigenous art, from manufactured and imported cultural appropriations to fine art in galleries and museums. The state’s creative Indigenous communities are sometimes lost in what is popularly featured as Native American Art. In this presentation, Diné jeweler Nanibaa Beck will highlight contemporary Native […]


“Learning to Live Together: Martin Luther King Jr. and His Philosophy of the Beloved Community ” with Jim McWilliams

Asante Library 16755 W Vereda Solana Dr. Surprise, Surprise, AZ

PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION One of the most important concepts in Martin Luther King Jr.’s teachings is the idea of “the beloved community,” the possibility of a society in which people from diverse backgrounds and economic circumstances learn to live together. Conflict in any society, he taught, is inevitable, but it can be resolved through non-violence and […]


“By the Time They Came – African American Men of Arizona” with Akua Duku Anoyke

City of Surprise City Hall - City Council Chambers 16000 N Civic Center Plaza, Surprise, AZ, United States

PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION In this presentation, Dr. Anokye, explores the untold stories and accomplishments of African American men in Arizona. Dr. Anokye focuses on identifying the common threads of the African American community that have enriched and given meaning to their lives–striving for education/schooling, work lives, belonging, turning points, and legacies, established by such prominent folks […]


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