100 Years Grand – The Story of Arizona Highways Magazine with Win Holden

Keep Sedona Beautiful 360 Brewer Road, Sedona, United States

PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION April 2025 will mark Arizona Highways magazine’s 100th birthday. How did a brochure produced by the Arizona Highway Department become one of the most revered travel publications in the world? How has Arizona Highways remained relevant for a century while other national magazines have failed? Former Arizona Highways Publisher, Win Holden, will share […]


The Colorado River and its Wonders: A Study in Water Use and Conservation with Jim Turner

Keep Sedona Beautiful 360 Brewer Road, Sedona, United States

PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION The Colorado River is a critical source of the West’s water supply, supporting 40 million people, nearly 6 million acres of agriculture, and tribes across seven states and portions of Mexico. At 1,450 miles long the Colorado River is the sixth longest river in the United States. The river flows through seven states […]


Dark Skies over Arizona with Kevin Schindler

Keep Sedona Beautiful 360 Brewer Road, Sedona, United States

PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION There’s nothing like standing under a dark, star-spangled night sky to quiet the mind and reduce stress, share an experience of awe with family and friends, and to inspire creative thoughts. Yet such dark skies are a disappearing resource, with only 20% of the world living in a place where the center of […]


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