All My Relations: Indigenous Thinking in Seven Generations with Rowdy Duncan

AZ, United States

Who do you consider to be people that you are related to? Who is and is not part of your community? Is there a way to widen our perspective of who is part of our community and invested in our success. This workshop will introduce the idea of thinking in seven generations and examine the […]


Nice is Not Enough: Understanding Systemic Oppression with Rory Gilbert

AZ, United States

Current events across the nation are challenging us to take a hard look at how some groups of people are being treated differently from others on a daily basis. Why does this happen? What systems intentionally or implicitly benefit some people at the expense of others? How does systemic oppression impact certain groups at work, […]


Understanding and Learning to Talk about Systemic Racism with Rowdy Duncan

AZ, United States

The term systemic racism is being used a lot these days by political pundits and ordinary people. What is the notion of systemic racism? What are the key definitions that we need to know to understand systemic racism? The concepts of race, racism, reverse racism, white privilege, intersectional racism, affirmative action, political correctness, and systemic […]


Dog Whistle Language in the Media: How Can We Hear It? with Derek Keith

Southeast Regional Library 775 N Greenfield Rd, Gilbert, AZ, United States

“Gang activity. The war on drugs. Tough on crime. They are taking our jobs. They are bad drivers. They are lazy. They are good people.” What images do these phrases and terms conjure in your mind? What does the media suggest with these coded phrases? Suggestive language, or “dog whistle” language, uses specific terms to […]


An Uneven Landscape: Inequities in Transportation, Community Planning and Land Management with Michia Casebier

AZ, United States

When a new highway is built—who does it benefit? Which communities are connected, and which communities are broken apart? Whose properties and which groups of people are valued? How has the development of transportation and land deepened inequities in our country? What steps can we take now to shape a different future? Join us for […]


Disruption, Subversion, & Agency: A Brief History of Zines with Rosemarie Dombrowski

Southeast Regional Library 775 N Greenfield Rd, Gilbert, AZ, United States

This presentation explores the origins of zine culture – self-published, hand-bound, small- circulation publications that gave voice to historically marginalized populations – beginning with the fascicles of Emily Dickinson and the Little Magazines of the early 20th century, continuing through the Mimeo Poets of the mid-century to the punk phenomenon of the Riot Grrrls in […]

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