Beyond the Kitsch: The Pervasive Spirit of our Indigenous Creative Community with Nanibaa Beck

Tohono Chul Park 7366 N. Paseo del Norte, Tucson, AZ, United States

Throughout the Southwest, tourists and locals encounter a range of Indigenous art, from manufactured and imported cultural appropriations to fine art in galleries and museums. The state’s creative Indigenous communities are sometimes lost in what is popularly featured as Native American Art. In this presentation, Diné jeweler Nanibaa Beck will highlight contemporary Native American Art, […]

Archaeology’s Deep Time Perspective on Environment and Sustainability with Allen Dart

Tohono Chul Park 7366 N. Paseo del Norte, Tucson, AZ, United States

The deep time perspective that archaeology, geology, and related disciplines provide about natural hazards, environmental change, and societal development is often ignored when societies today make decisions affecting social sustainability and human safety. Studies of ancient peoples and natural events can help modern society deal with problems of environmental and social change, overpopulation, and sustainability. […]

Dia de los Muertos Storytelling with Zarco Guerrero

Tohono Chul Park 7366 N. Paseo del Norte, Tucson, AZ, United States

Dia de Los Muertos is a highly celebrated and significant holiday held throughout Mexico, Latin America, and the Southwest. It is a day when homage is paid with prayers, offerings of food and the building of altars to those who have gone before us. Join Guerrero and his unique masked characters as they celebrate Día […]

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