Arizona Humanities believes that building strong literacy skills at an early age is essential for building a just and civil society.
About AZ Reads
Arizona Humanities introduces AZ Reads, a new initiative to launch innovative and engaging literacy programs in K-12 schools in Arizona. AZ Reads provides support for literacy programs led by Arizona educators in partnership with K-12 schools and nonprofits that serve Arizona schools.
Support AZ Reads
Arizona Humanities provides books, program supplies, author visits, and more, for Arizona students. Interested in supporting AZ Reads and youth literacy across Arizona?
Contact Amber McCrary at amccrary@azhumanities.org | 602-257-0335
Join the K-12 Listserv!
Interested in receiving updates about AZ Humanities and opportunities for educators? Contact Amber McCrary at amccrary@azhumanities.org to join.
2025 Call for Proposals - Apply Now!
We invite programs proposals that foster literacy in the humanities, including but not limited to
- Reading and discussion programs
- Storytelling and creative writing
- Peer-to-peer learning and discussion
- Cultural learning/sharing
We especially encourage program proposals that incorporate active engagement with students through opportunities for discussion and reflection. Literacy programs can incorporate history, cultural studies, languages other than English, and other humanities disciplines. We will also accept proposals that combine humanities and STEAM disciplines. If you are unsure about whether your program fosters literacy and engages the humanities, please contact us!
We welcome program proposals from teachers in any discipline, school librarians, community librarians, and administrators. See eligibility below. Literacy programs can target a specific group, class, grade, school, or district.
Arizona Humanities will work with K-12 partners to ensure the success of the literacy programs. We will communicate with K-12 partners regarding the progress of a program and provide support as needed, e.g., inviting guest authors, ordering books, etc. At the conclusion of the program, staff will reach out for a final follow-up to assess impact outcomes via email or phone.
Eligibility: K-12 institutions and nonprofits/libraries that serve K-12 institutions/students that provide humanities-based literacy programs.
Funding Priorities: Special consideration will be given to programs in public schools, especially Title I schools and those that directly serve traditionally underserved communities. Underserved communities include Black, Latino, and Indigenous and Native American persons, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other persons of color; members of religious minorities; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) persons; persons with disabilities (e.g., IEP/504); ELL students; persons who live in rural areas; and persons otherwise adversely affected by persistent poverty or inequality.
How Funding Is Disbursed: Arizona Humanities will directly cover program costs unless otherwise agreed upon with the K-12 partner. For example, we will disburse honoraria to guest speakers, pay admissions fees, purchase program supplies, which can include but are not limited to:
- Books
- Paper, posters, scissors, miscellaneous craft supplies, etc.
- Audio/visual technology
Amount: Up to $2,500*
*For larger or school-wide programs, please contact us to discuss an adjusted budget.
Application Opens : February 1, 2025
Deadline for Submissions: Monday, March 17, 2025
Funding Period: June 1, 2025 – June 1, 2026
To submit a proposal: Please submit your program proposal through our online application:
The online application requires the following:
- Brief School Bio
- Program Description
- Timeline
- Budget Narrative*
Once a proposal is submitted Arizona Humanities staff may reach out to discuss details or ask clarifying questions. Please note that this is a competitive process, and not every program will be funded.
New Application Opens: February 1, 2025
Deadline for submissions: March 17, 2025
*Arizona Humanities staff will review program budgets to determine items eligible for funding. Activities that are not eligible for support include the following:
- Overlapping project costs with any other pending or approved application(s) for federal funding and/or approved federal awards
- Standard curriculum costs and materials
- Cancellation costs
- Equipment costs in excess of 20% of total project costs
- Construction, purchase of real property, major alteration and renovation
- Environmental sustainability projects (water way clean-up)
- Collections acquisition
- The preservation, organization, or description of materials that are not regularly accessible for research, education, or public programming
- Promotion of a particular political, religious, or ideological point of view
- Advocacy of a particular program of social or political action
- Support of specific public policies or legislation
- Lobbying
Application Opens: February 1, 2025
Virtual Info Session: February 19, 2025
Deadline for Submissions: March 17, 2025
Funding Period: June 1, 2025 – June 1, 2026
Info Session: Learn more about AZ Reads in our virtual info session on Wednesday, February 19 at 4:00pm AZ Time. Register Here.
Have questions?
Amber McCrary, amccrary@azhumanities.org, 602-257-0335
Who we are: Arizona Humanities is a statewide nonprofit organization and the Arizona affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Since 1973, Arizona Humanities has supported public programs that promote understanding of the human experience with cultural, educational, and nonprofit organizations across Arizona.