Climate and Moral Responsibility in Arizona (Patagonia)

Global warming presents humanity with one of the most difficult ethical challenges ever faced. More than just a scientific problem this is a collective action problem requiring that we work […]
John Wesley Powell: Into the Great Unknown (Surprise)

Millions of travelers visit the Grand Canyon each year, but just 150 years ago, this was still considered the “last blank spot on the map.” One man, a one-armed civil […]
Asia’s Unique Culture: A Visual Trip Across A Mystical Continent (Miami)

From bustling Hong Kong, to the opulent Grand Palace of Bangkok, to the world’s tallest building in Dubai, to the slums of Mumbai, this highly visual presentation will explore the […]
Celebrities, Artists…and Good Places to Drink (Phoenix)

Arizona has always been a geographical muse for writers, artists and composers, as well as a getaway for the rich and famous. In this talk, learn about some of the […]
Empire to Las Cienegas NCA: Ranching and Historic Landscape Change (Sierra Vista)

The Empire Ranch, built by Walter Vail and family, was one of the most financially successful and long-lived cattle enterprises in Arizona. For over 140 years, the owners of the […]
Grantee Highlight: Arizona Wilderness Coalition

Celebrate and explore cultural perspectives on the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act To celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Wilderness Act, the Arizona Wilderness Coalition (AWC), a nonprofit that […]