Jerome – Too Stubborn to Die – How the Town Survived Numerous “Near-Death” Experiences with Jay Mark

Desert Broom Library 29710 N. Cave Creek Rd., Cave Creek, AZ, United States

Numerous fires, landslides, floods, labor strikes, polluted air, epidemics, Depression, recessions, financial collapse, one adversity after another. Any one of these might spell the end of a lesser community. But, in Arizona, one town survived these “near-death” experiences, and more; yet managed to survive. Some might even say, “thrive.” This presentation looks at the numerous […]


Water in Arizona: Sustainability, Supply and Demand

Desert Broom Library 29710 N. Cave Creek Rd., Cave Creek, AZ, United States

Water is necessary for life, but as supply shrinks, choices must be made about who is given access to water and who isn’t. Communities across Arizona are going dry. This means that some residents may have no choice except to move. How do we decide who gets access to water, and who does not? Should […]

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