Grand Canyon National Park Centennial Perspectives, Lecture Series–Craig Childs

Northern Arizona University - Assembly Hall Cline Hall 1001 S. Knoles Dr., Flagstaff, AZ, United States

Grand Canyon National Park Centennial Perspectives, Lecture Series--Craig Childs Childs will talk about routes, how one moves through what looks like an impossible terrain off cliffs and shadows, and what you discover about the Grand Canyon in the process. In a place where people fall off the edges taking selfies, and stories about finding ways. […]


Hualapai and the Grand Canyon

Northern Arizona University - Assembly Hall Cline Hall 1001 S. Knoles Dr., Flagstaff, AZ, United States

Grand Canyon National Park Centennial Perspectives: A Lecture Series--Hualapai and the Grand Canyon The Hualapai people have lived in and around the Colorado River and Grand Canyon region for countless generations. Loretta Jackson-Kelly, Carrie Cannon, Ka-Voka Jackson, and Peter Bungart will provide a glimpse of Hualapai history and culture; ethnobotanical resources; research on springs; and […]


Art and the Grand Canyon

Northern Arizona University - Assembly Hall Cline Hall 1001 S. Knoles Dr., Flagstaff, AZ, United States

Grand Canyon National Park Centennial Perspectives: A Lecture Series--Bruce Aiken Spend an evening with renowned artist and 33-year National Park Service veteran Bruce Aiken.  Awe and majesty come to mind when picturing the beauty of the Grand Canyon. Listen to his stories of living and painting in the Grand Canyon. FREE Admission Complimentary Parking in […]


Harvey Girls Documentary – NAU

Northern Arizona University - Assembly Hall Cline Hall 1001 S. Knoles Dr., Flagstaff, AZ, United States

Explore the Harvey Girls Documentary, New Interviews and Discussion Program at Northern Arizona University’s Cline Library, April 16, 1PM in the Assembly Hall Remember the Harvey Girls? They were the more than 100,000 young women who, from the 1880s through the 1960s, left their homes and traveled west to work as waitresses in Harvey House restaurants along the […]


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