Western Pulp Fiction with Steve Renzi

Phippen Museum 4701 U.S. HWY 89N, Prescott, AZ, United States

Pulp fiction magazines sold for a dime and in the 1920s to 1950s, they filled American newsstands. Nobody admitted that they liked them, but everybody read them. They were American pop culture at its best and worst. Western magazines were the most popular. Western pulp fiction, along with movies, helped to create the myths of […]


Arizona for Newcomers

Phippen Museum 4701 U.S. HWY 89N, Prescott, AZ, United States

What is it that makes Arizona unique, that gives it a different flavor from neighboring New Mexico, California, Utah, Colorado, Sonora, and Chihuahua? In part the answer lies in Arizona’s longstanding habit of absorbing influences from its neighbors in matters such as architecture, music, and cuisine, incorporating them into an already vibrant tradition made up […]

The Shadow Catchers: 150 Years of Arizona Photography

Phippen Museum 4701 U.S. HWY 89N, Prescott, AZ, United States

For more than a century and a half some of the world’s best photographers focused their lenses on Arizona. In addition to the renowned Edward S. Curtis, Kate Cory lived with the Hopi and represented them in photographs and on canvas, while C. S. Fly gave us the famous Geronimo pictures. In the 20th century […]

Chiles & Chocolate: Sweet and Spicy Foods in the American West

Phippen Museum 4701 U.S. HWY 89N, Prescott, AZ, United States

Come have a taste of the rich and savory history of these food favorites, explore how early peoples used them, and how they have evolved and spread to all corners of the world. Food is a portal into culture and can convey a range of cultural meaning including occasion, social status, ethnicity, and wealth depending […]

Theodore Roosevelt Slept Here

Phippen Museum 4701 U.S. HWY 89N, Prescott, AZ, United States

Theodore Roosevelt exhibited a greater influence on Arizona than perhaps any other president. He was the first sitting president to visit Arizona, employed an executive order to preserve the Grand Canyon, established a variety of wildlife refuges and reclamation projects, and enjoyed outdoor recreation in the area. This program will share Roosevelt’s widespread influence in […]

Ghost Towns of the Second World War: Arizona’s Historic Military Sites (Prescott)

Phippen Museum 4701 U.S. HWY 89N, Prescott, AZ, United States

When America entered the Second World War, Arizona's sparse population and mild weather made it an ideal location for training facilities and prisoner of war camps. By war's end, Arizona had trained more pilots than any other state, hosted the country's largest POW camp, and was part of the largest military training grounds in history.  […]


Wrangling 1500 Wild Mustangs: Insights into the Wild Horse Controversy – Prescott

Phippen Museum 4701 U.S. HWY 89N, Prescott, AZ, United States

In 1989, Alan Day lobbied the United States Congress and was granted approval to create our country’s first government-sponsored wild horse sanctuary on his South Dakota ranch. At the time, the government housed roughly 2,000 horses in feedlots. Fifteen hundred of those wild mustangs came to live at Mustang Meadows Ranch where, for four years, […]


Arizona’s Wild Myths and Legends – Prescott

Phippen Museum 4701 U.S. HWY 89N, Prescott, AZ, United States

Wyatt Earp, Billy the Kid and John Wayne: what do these famous characters have in common? They are not who we think they are because of the legends that have grown up around them. From the 1860’s dime novels to the books, movies, and television shows, writers have altered, exaggerated and sometimes lied about these […]


Cowpokes, Crooks, and Cactus: Arizona in the Movies – Prescott

Phippen Museum 4701 U.S. HWY 89N, Prescott, AZ, United States

Tyrone Power, Andy Devine,  Katy Jurado, Steve McQueen and, of course, John Wayne. From the earliest days of film, Arizona has been a setting and subject for hundreds of films. Some, like Junior Bonner and Red River, are considered classics, others, such as Billy Jack and Evolution, surely less so. Some may even be classics […]


Celebrities, Artists…and Good Places to Drink – Prescott

Phippen Museum 4701 U.S. HWY 89N, Prescott, AZ, United States

Arizona has always been a geographical muse for writers, artists and composers, as well as a getaway for the rich and famous.  In this talk, learn about some of the people who have had adventures, weddings and unusual experiences here, while also learning about some of the places they lifted a glass, and why you […]


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