The Science of Music, The Music of Science with Dr. Janice Jarrett

The Palazzo 6250 N. 19th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Why would so many physicists compare the universe to an orchestra? Why did Einstein use his violin playing to enhance his contemplation of the nature of the cosmos? The connection of music and math was illuminated early on when Pythagorus divided a string. Not surprisingly, from astro physicists to quantum theorists, the common base is […]


The Science of Music, The Music Of Science

The Palazzo 6250 N. 19th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Why do so many physicists compare the universe to an orchestra? Why did Einstein use his violin playing to enhance his contemplation of the workings of the cosmos? The connection of music to science was illuminated early on when Pythagoras divided a string. Not surprisingly, from astrophysicists to quantum theorists, the common key to unlocking […]

Picturing Arizona: Celebrating Early Arizona Women Artists, Writers, Photographers, and Songsters

The Palazzo 6250 N. 19th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Artistry in its many forms makes us think, sing, dance, and enjoy the wonders of our surroundings. The arts also allow us to document the lives of our ancestors and learn from the past. Some of the finest early Arizona artists were women who wrote, painted, photographed, and vocalized the magnificence and history of their […]

Asia’s Unique Culture:  A Visual Trip Across A Mystical Continent – Phoenix

The Palazzo 6250 N. 19th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United States

From bustling Hong Kong, to the opulent Grand Palace of Bangkok, to the world’s tallest building in Dubai, to the slums of Mumbai, this highly visual presentation will explore the culture, cuisine, and customs of this fascinating and rapidly changing region.  Dan Fellner, an experienced travel writer and Fulbright Fellow in Asia, will share his […]


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