On May 4th, Congress approved the FY 2017 federal budget which includes full funding for the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) with a slight increase. A big thank you to all who called, wrote, and emailed their congressional representatives this spring in support of the humanities.

However, please note NEH funding for FY 2018 is still threatened. The 2018 budget blueprint calls for the elimination of the NEH and other cultural agencies. Read the FAQ notice from NEH here. It is important to remember that the Administration’s budget request is only advisory, and Congress will ultimately make decisions about funding. NEH has strong bipartisan support and as the spending bills make their way through the Appropriations Committee and subcommittees this summer, we will continue to keep you informed as the situation develops, and ask for your enthusiastic and vocal support to save the NEH.

If you have a moment, check out the op-ed by Brenda Thomson, Executive Director of Arizona Humanities, James K. Ballinger, Director Emeritus at Phoenix Art Museum and Thomas H. Wilson, President of Arizona Citizens for the Arts. The article appeared in the Arizona Daily Sun and Arizona Republic and tells why the NEH and NEA are so important to Arizona’s people, communities and businesses.

You can speak up for the arts and humanities, add your voice to the National Humanities Alliance.

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