An Uneven Landscape: Inequities in Transportation, Community Planning and Land Management with Michia Casebier

AZ, United States

When a new highway is built—who does it benefit? Which communities are connected, and which communities are broken apart? Whose properties and which groups of people are valued? How has the development of transportation and land deepened inequities in our country? What steps can we take now to shape a different future? Join us for […]


Not Racist or Anti-Racist? Talking About Race in America with Rowdy Duncan

AZ, United States

What is the difference between race and ethnicity? What does it mean to be anti-racist versus not racist? Understanding the history of race in America, and its impact on all of us is important. Race is not just a complex subject of study, but a lived experience that is unique to everyone. This means you […]


From “Chief” to Code Talker: Four Profiles of the Navajo Code Talkers with Dr. Laura Tohe

AZ, United States

During WWII a group of young Navajo men enlisted in the Marines without knowing that they would be called on to develop a secret code against the Japanese military. This select group of Code Talkers devised a Navajo language code that was accurate, quick, never broken, and saved many American lives. This talk profiles 4 […]


What is Decolonization and Why Does it Matter? with Rowdy Duncan

AZ, United States

The idea of “decolonization” is a very hot topic these days. To understand what decolonization means today, we must first understand historically what colonialism is, and how it has shaped our thinking and actions in the U.S. Who was, and who was not colonized? Colonialist thinking can permeate education, media, government policies, and our lived […]


The Gila: River of History with Gregory McNamee

AZ, United States

Six hundred miles long from its source in the mountains of southwestern New Mexico to its confluence with the Colorado River above Yuma, the Gila has been an important avenue for the movement of birds, animals, plants, and peoples across the desert for millennia. Many cultures have sprung up on its banks, and millions of […]


The Science of Music, the Music of Science with Janice Jarrett

AZ, United States

Why do so many physicists compare the universe to an orchestra? Why did Einstein use his violin playing to enhance his contemplation of the workings of the cosmos? The connection of music to science was illuminated early on when Pythagoras divided a string. Not surprisingly, from astrophysicists to quantum theorists, the common key to unlocking […]


The Meaning of Matthew, My Son’s Murder in Laramie, and a World Transformed

Virtual AZ, United States

Friday, August 20, 2021 - 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (AZ) A VIRTUAL SEMINAR SPEAKER: Dennis and Judy Shepard In October 1998, Judy and Dennis Shepard lost their 21-year old son, Matthew, to a murder motivated by anti-gay hate. Matthew’s death moved many thousands of people around the world to attend vigils and rallies in […]


Do You See What I See? Implicit Bias For Better or Worse with Rory Gilbert

AZ, United States

We come from different places and backgrounds. Our life experiences and backgrounds can affect the way we see the world and each other, for better or worse. What is implicit bias, and how does it shape our attitudes and actions towards others? How do stereotypes affect our understanding, actions, and decisions? “Implicit bias” can cause […]


The Other Epidemic: Gun Violence and Mass Shootings in America with Dr. Matthew Whitaker

Prescott Public Library 215 E. Goodwin St., Prescott, AZ, United States

Recent research on the frequency of mass shootings indicates that they are becoming more common and more deadly. A mass shooting is defined as four or more people (excluding the gunman) being injured or killed in an incident. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, 470,840 people were victims of crimes that involved a firearm […]


The Food of Arizona with Gregory McNamee

AZ, United States

Consider the taco, that favorite treat, a staple of Mexican and Mexican American cooking and an old standby on an Arizonan’s plate. The corn in the tortilla comes from Mexico, the cheese from the Sahara, the lettuce from Egypt, the onion from Syria, the tomatoes from South America, the chicken from Indochina, the beef from […]


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