You Mean, There’s RACE in My Movie?! – Chandler

Chandler-Gilbert Community College (Pecos Campus) 2626 E Pecos RD, Chandler, AZ, United States

This unique workshop provides a framework that allows everyone to engage in a constructive dialogue without sugarcoating the harsh realities of the disparities seen throughout Hollywood. First, attendees will quickly learn the six standard patterns for minority characters in mainstream movies. With the analytical framework serving as the foundation for the discussion, attendees will then […]


Is it “Global Warming” or “Climate Change”? The Philosophy of Communicating Climate Science with Matthew Goodwin

AZ, United States

Why do so many people not accept the science of global warming? What are the rhetorical devices most often used to confuse people about the science? What are more effective ways to talk about and communicate what is happening with our climate? Most challenges made are not really about the science, but about previously held […]


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