100 Years Grand – The Story of Arizona Highways Magazine with Win Holden

Keep Sedona Beautiful 360 Brewer Road, Sedona, United States

PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION April 2025 will mark Arizona Highways magazine’s 100th birthday. How did a brochure produced by the Arizona Highway Department become one of the most revered travel publications in the world? How has Arizona Highways remained relevant for a century while other national magazines have failed? Former Arizona Highways Publisher, Win Holden, will share […]


Use of Meteorites Among Native American Cultures – Sedona

Keep Sedona Beautiful 360 Brewer Road, Sedona, United States

Meteorites Among Ancient Native American Cultures The occurrence of meteorites on archaeological sites in North America has been known since the early 19th century. From the Hopewell culture in the eastern United States, to the Polar Eskimo, to the Indians in the American Southwest and northern Mexico, meteorites have been found on these ancient sites. […]


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