Join Winslow local and regional residents, summer tourists, and participating pilots from around the country for an annual exhibit that tells the historical significance of Winslow’s airport. The exhibition will be displayed as part of the “High Desert Fly-In” annual event, an event that brings together.
The 2014 High-Desert Fly-In will take place at the Winslow-Lindbergh Regional Airport, 701 Airport Road, on Saturday, July 26, from 8 am to 2 pm. Admission is free, and residents, tourists, and pilots are invited to Winslow’s historic airport to enjoy airplanes, history, food, and more! Go to the High Desert Fly-In website for the latest details on how to participate in and attend this annual event, and find us on Facebook and Twitter!
The Winslow Rotary Club will host a pancake breakfast from 8 to 10 am for $5 per person, and a variety of vendors will serve food throughout the day in the airport parking lot. The Just Cruis’n Car Club will also host a “Show-and-Shine” of vintage automobiles in the parking lot, including the 1940 Seagraves fire truck owned by the Winslow Historical Society. There will also be contemporary and antique aircraft on the tarmac throughout the day for public viewing.