Archaeology’s Deep Time Perspective on Environment and Social Sustainability

San Tan Historical Society Museum 20425 S. Old Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek, AZ, United States

The deep time perspective that archaeology, geology, and related disciplines provide about natural hazards, environmental change, and societal development often is ignored when today’s societies make decisions affecting social sustainability and human safety. Studies of ancient peoples and natural events can help modern society deal with problems of environmental and social change, overpopulation, and sustainability. […]


The Eagle and the Archaeologists: The Lindbergh’s 1929 Aerial Survey of Southwest Prehistoric Sites

San Tan Historical Society Museum 20425 S. Old Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek, AZ, United States

Pilot Charles Lindbergh (the “Lone Eagle”) is best known for his famous 1927 flight across the Atlantic Ocean.  But Lindbergh, and his wife Anne, also played an important role in southwestern archaeology.  During the summer of 1929, they worked with noted archaeologist Alfred Kidder to conduct the first extensive aerial photographic survey of southwestern prehistoric […]


The Explorations and Discoveries of George Bird Grinnell, The Father of Glacier National Park – Queen Park

San Tan Historical Society Museum 20425 S. Old Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek, AZ, United States

The great West that George Bird Grinnell first encountered in 1870 as a 21-year old man was shortly to disappear before his eyes. Nobody was quicker to sense the desecration or was more eloquent in crusading against the poachers, the hidehunters, and the disengaged U.S. Congress than George Bird Grinnell, the “Father of American Conservation.” […]


Star Wounds: Meteorites from Ancient Native American Sites with Ken Zoll

San Tan Historical Society Museum 20425 S. Old Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek, AZ, United States

The occurrence of meteorites on archaeological sites in North America has been known since the early 19th century. From the Hopewell culture in the eastern United States to the Indians in the American Southwest and northern Mexico, meteorites have been found on these ancient sites. Much like meteorite hunters of today, ancient Native American cultures […]


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